The course

Offered: Spring 2016

Next offering: Spring 2018

Global environmental change, particularly climate change, is rapidly emerging as the defining environmental issue of the twenty-first century.

Climate change is already impacting California in many ways, with increasing wildfires, heat waves, and drought. It is also presenting opportunities for new innovation and global leadership to reduce the rate of change and adapt to new challenges.

In this class, we will explore potential impacts of climate change on California’s environment, people and economy, and consider solutions that can reduce the rate and magnitude of climate change and the severity of impacts. Course material will draw from science, engineering, economics and public policy.

Our goal is to provide a broad and interdisciplinary perspective that will prepare you as a citizen, voter and future leader to address these grand challenges of the 21st century.

Course Material

Reading Assignments

The instructors

Four professors. Four disciplines.

David Ackerly

Integrative Biology

Professor Ackerly's research focuses on climate change impacts on California's biodiversity. To learn more, visit the Ackerly Lab web page

Whendee Silver

Environmental Science, Policy, & Management

Professor Silver's research analyzes the biogeochemical effects of climate change, and the potential for mitigating these impacts. Visit the Silver Lab web page

David Sedlak

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Professor Sedlak's research focuses on water reuse and recycling, urban water infrastructure, and engineered wetlands.

Steve Weissman

Public Policy

Professor Weissman's background is in energy and environmental law and policy, with experience at the California Public Utilities Commission. Learn more about him here

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